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background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
December 6, 2024
21st Century Skills

Level Up With Gratitude and Other Soft Skills for High School Students

High school is more than just academics and extracurriculars—it's a time to build the foundational skills that will set you up for success in the real world. While technical knowledge and grades matter, soft skills are the secret sauce that can help you stand out in college applications, job interviews, and life. Studies of today’s workplaces show that employers are looking for soft skills.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
September 20, 2024
21st Century Skills

Reimagining the Classroom for 21st-Century Learning

Educators and administrators are increasingly exploring ways to design classrooms that reflect this shift. A classroom designed for 21st-century learning encourages not only academic achievement but also the growth of essential skills like communication, collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, and leadership.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
September 13, 2024
21st Century Skills

The New List of 21st-Century Skills Students Should Be Perfecting

Educators and workforce experts alike warn that today’s K-12 classrooms may be overlooking many of the in-demand 21st-century skills students need to succeed. Many sources warn that without a deeper aptitude for skills not covered in traditional curriculums, students will not be set up to compete in the global economy or even in college.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
November 16, 2023
21st Century Skills

Developing 21st Century Skills in Students

We live in an ever-changing, increasingly global society. As our world evolves, so do the skills needed to thrive professionally and personally. This means the abilities students develop in high school should align with the demands of modern careers, especially in fields like STEM and healthcare. 

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
November 3, 2023
21st Century Skills

Top 5 Extracurricular Activities Colleges Are Looking For

The college admissions process seems to get more competitive with every passing year. While a student's grades and test scores are still the most important factors, extracurricular activities play a major role as well. Admissions officers want well-rounded students who are not just academically strong but are also involved and accomplished outside of the classroom.

If you're a high school student looking to strengthen your college applications, make the grade and consider these top 5 extracurricular activities that colleges look for.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
February 8, 2022
21st Century Skills

Behind the Biography Podcast - Season Two

Welcome to Season Two of Behind the Biography! This season, we plan on continuing to learn more about the speakers who share their stories with our students each summer, but we will also introduce our listeners to the movers and shakers that make our programs worthwhile. Stay tuned to learn from key career decisions, what drives success, and what the future might hold. Follow on your favorite podcast apps.

Stay tuned! More episodes to come!